

Karen D. Wood is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice as a Brain Trainer and Neurotherapist.


– B.A. in Fine Arts, California State University Hayward

– Masters in Social Work, California State University Fresno

– Licensed Clinical Social Worker

– Worked as social worker in foster care and group home, where the clarity came that teaching brain and behavior allowed kids/parents to achieve more success.

– Became certified in Outcome Based Thinking, and continued exploration of  incorporating brain functioning in counseling.

Current Work:

– Founder of the Clear Thinking Counseling Alliance (CTCA), a group of therapists  and counselors committed to training together to help clients  discover how to access   their best states of mind.

– Developing concept of “art thinking,” using drawing to explore reactions,  brain processing and viewing of self in the future.

– Co-facilitator for four years of a weekly support group for parents with addicted children/adults, through Prescription Abusers in Need (gotPAINUSA.com). – Writing more books on Brain Prayers (for specific topics, i.e., brain on drugs, PTSD). – Speaking on brain, breathing & behavior.


– Married to Russell for thirty years, with two adult sons, Drew and Parker.

– On national Board of Directors for Assemblies of God Marriage Encounter  (you deserve a weekend! agme.org).

– Voracious appetite for dark chocolate, reading anything about the brain, and biographies of the journeys of people doing faith, trauma and joy.